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The Tallahassee Museum! Set amidst 52 acres of breathtaking Florida flora and fauna, the Museum's living exhibits of native wildlife, nature trails, historic exhibits and zip line and aerial adventure courses are enjoyed by visitors of all ages.
The Museum is home to fourteen historic buildings that immerse visitors in 19th-century experiences and allow them to discover the history and lifestyles of southern communities. The internationally acclaimed exhibit, Jim Gary's Twentieth Century Dinosaurs features vividly colored dinosaurs sculpted from recycled car parts that evoke thoughts about art, science, and sustainability. Tallahassee Tree to Tree Adventures, the Museum's zip line and aerial adventure course, encourages visitors to explore the majesty of nature from high in the trees.
The Museum is home to fourteen historic buildings that immerse visitors in 19th-century experiences and allow them to discover the history and lifestyles of southern communities. The internationally acclaimed exhibit, Jim Gary's Twentieth Century Dinosaurs features vividly colored dinosaurs sculpted from recycled car parts that evoke thoughts about art, science, and sustainability. Tallahassee Tree to Tree Adventures, the Museum's zip line and aerial adventure course, encourages visitors to explore the majesty of nature from high in the trees.
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